Noga Ritter Quartet & Alba Cabral & Fernando Machado at Ilegal Pao, SP
Special gig bringing together Noga Ritter’s band with her long term collaborators and deae friends Fernando Machado (Lambrego) and Alba Cabral (Let Drum Beat).
Special gig bringing together Noga Ritter’s band with her long term collaborators and deae friends Fernando Machado (Lambrego) and Alba Cabral (Let Drum Beat).
Estamos emocionados em receber Noga Ritter de Londres no Teatro Da Rotina para uma apresentação muito especial com seu quarteto e convidados especiais!
A música original de Noga é uma mistura única de Jazz Hebraico com grooves globais, criando uma fusão que transcende barreiras. Cantando tanto em Hebraico quanto em Inglês, Noga tece histórias íntimas em uma narrativa poderosa, abordando questões sociais e globais com profundidade e sensibilidade. Sua presença apaixonada no palco envolve o público, imergindo-o na alma de sua música.
Em maio de 2023, Noga lançou seu tão aguardado álbum de estreia, 'Ima', pelo selo Galileo Music. Com 14 músicos talentosos, incluindo Seckou Keita, Byron Wallen e Tony Kofi, o álbum foi produzido por Liran Donin. Desde o lançamento, Noga tem realizado turnês pelo Reino Unido, Alemanha, Brasil e Itália, se apresentando em grandes festivais, como o London Jazz Festival, e aparecendo na BBC TV.
Após uma turnê incrível pelo Brasil no ano passado, Noga retorna a São Paulo com seu talentoso quarteto:
Victor Mendes na guitarra e viola caipira
Pedro Macedo no contrabaixo
Eduardo Guarino na bateria
Noga irá apresentar músicas de seu álbum de estreia, além de material novo e inédito. Para esta apresentação exclusiva, ela será acompanhada por dois convidados especiais:
Jacque Falcheti (voz e guitarra)
Luiz Maranhão (violão de 7 cordas)
Não perca esta noite inesquecível! Garanta seu ingresso antecipado – os lugares são limitados.
No domingo 23 de fevereiro, às 18:00 h, o Instituto Juca de Cultura recebe a cantora e compositora Noga Ritter que será acompanhada pelo violonista, guitarrista e violeiro Victor Mendes.
Israelense radicada em Londres Noga Ritter mistura jazz hebraico com ritmos globais, cantando em hebraico e inglês canções em que tece histórias íntimas e pessoais, e também questões sociais e globais. Victor Mendes é paulista de São José dos Campos, mestre das cordas dedilhadas e também compositor e cantor. Venham, sejam, estejam!
O que: Noga Ritter e Victor Mendes no IJC
Quando: domingo 23 de fevereiro, às 18:00 horas
Onde: Instituto Juca de Cultura – Rua Cristiano Viana, 1142 – Sumarezinho – Próximo à estação Sumaré de metrô
Quanto: R$30,00 (a serem pagos no momento – Aceitamos PIX – Não fazemos reservas)
Atenção: após a apresentação haverá sarau-lim, tragam pois bebidas e instrumentos
Chegou a hora de matar a saudade! A notícia que todo mundo esperava chegou: É tempo de CoLaboratório de Jazz 😁
E detalhe: A 26ª edição é um bailão de pré-carnaval, recebendo uma convidada internacional e muito especial: Noga Ritter! Nosso encontro está marcado na Casa Acanna, combinado?
Anota na agenda pra não esquecer:
📍15/02, a partir das 20h
Local: Rua Mário Portela, 49, Laranjeiras
E o ingresso? Você pode adquirir seu ingresso gratuito através do link:
The first show of Noga Ritter’s 2025 Tour in Brazil brings her to the beautiful Midrash in Rio with her quartet and a special guest Michel Nirenberg on Saxophone.
Noga Ritter- voice
Victor Mendes - guitar
Luiz Maranhao- Bass
Eduardo Guarinon- drums
Join us for a celebration of the music of 21st century London!
Celebrated and award winning Senegalese kora player Kadialy Kouyate and the UK’s most prominent Klezmer Accordionist Josh Middleton (Don Kipper) perform a unique and new collaboration.
This intercultural journey will bring together the Griot traditions of West Africa and the living heritage of Ashkenazi Klezmer to create a new co-territoriality, for a 21st Century London, where Kora meets Klezmer.
Israeli singer songwriter, celebrated vocalist and dancer Noga Ritter will bring her quartet of musicians from around the world. They will deliver her unique fusion of Hebrew Jazz and global grooves.
She released her album ‘IMA’ last may to great reviews. Her album fuses soaring trumpet solos over Gnawa grooves, Jewish melodies backed with Senegalese sabar drums and blissful kora improvising alongside subtle Israeli jazz piano.
At the end of the night both acts will come together to for a true collaborative celebration!
£16 until 30 April 2024, £18 thereafter - BOOK HERE
FREE YOU VOICE - Vocal Workshop Series
We had so much fun singing together, improvising and dancing in May so we decided to continue the workshops at @gigi’s dressing room in June!
This time we have a special DRESS-UP PARTY on the last session, where we will dress up in Gigi's Dressing Rooms funky clothes and sing the songs we learned and created throughout the workshops!
Tuesday 4th June, Tuesday 11th June, Wednesday 19th June, Wednesday 26th June
Address: 104A Wood St, London E17 3HX
Time: 19:00-21:00
Price: £15 per workshop
In the workshops, we will cover:
• Breathing exercise
• Vocal warmups
• Songs from around the world
• Circle singing and harmonies
• Improvisation
• Collaborative songwriting
To book your space-
We are super excited to bring out MUZE NIGHT of immersive cross-art improvisation to the Golden Hinde pirate ship for the first time!
We will collaborate with visual projection artist Joe Walton. Together, we will explore the themes of the sea and this historic ship, blending music, storytelling, and captivating visuals. Experience a multi-sensory journey from the water up, where the boundaries between performer and audience dissolve in the creation of real-time art. This is not just a concert or an art installation; it's a collaborative adventure where your input and participation become integral to the music and art making. Be ready to dive into the music, clap, tap, sing, or make noise with the whole room, and groove together.
MuzeBand - Acclaimed musicians Noga Ritter, Giuliano Osella, and Tomer Eldor have graced top jazz and world music stages and festivals worldwide, including the London EFG Jazz Festival. They have collaborated with renowned artists such as London Afrobeat Collective, Seckou Keita, Tony Kofi, Byron Wallen, Ligia Piro, and many more.@muze_collective
Joe Walton is an immersive experience artist. He creates experiences that catalyse a sense of play and escape from our everyday reality using visuals and light. Creating exciting new perspectives that can conjure a heightened awareness of our mind, body and the world we experience. @Joewalton_art
Doors open at 7.30pm; music starts at 8pm; Get your tickets here
We are unfortunately unable to offer step-free access; Bar open on the ship, BYO alcohol not allowed; No age restriction, under 18s must enter with a supervising adult;
Paper Garden Records event is bringing together the best food with the best music!
Join us on Friday 17/5 at Market Halls Oxford St. for a night of Food and music. Noga Ritter will play with her quartet: Tomer Eldor on piano, Maurizio Ravalico on percussion and Giovani Cresseri on bass. After their set, they will do an improvised set collaborating with the visual artist Gwendolyn Kassenaar.
The evening will start at 19:00 with performances from Allexa and Steve Pretty.
Noga Ritter’s band will be on at 20:30
For more details and tickets click here
Weekly vocal workshops with Noga Ritter at Gigi’s Dressing Room
Ever dreamt of singing freely, expressing yourself, and connecting through music? Join our holistic singing workshop! Discover the magic of singing in harmony, body music and improvisation. Unlock your vocal and creative abilities in a fun and supportive environment.
Thursdays 19:00-21:00
Dates: 9th May and 16th May
Address: 104A Wood St, London E17 3HX
Suggested contribution: £15 (if you can’t contribute, get in touch and we will find a way to welcome you anyway!)
Details and RSVP -
In the workshops, we will cover:
Breathing exercise
Vocal warmups
Songs from around the world
Circle singing and harmonies
Collaborative songwriting
Looking forward to singing together!
Gigi and Noga
In the workshops, we will learn how to use our breath to support our voice and unlock the potential of our vocal expression. Through guided breathing exercises and vocal warm-ups, we will improve our vocal technique and confidence. Together, we'll explore a diverse repertoire of songs from around the globe, harmonizing and connecting with the rhythm through body percussion. In this safe and supportive environment, we'll also delve into improvisation and collaborative songwriting, fostering a playful and explorative atmosphere.
Come join us as we embark on a journey of vocal discovery and expression
Join us at this lush venue inside the famous Zedel - the Crazy Coqs.
Noga will be joined by: Giuliano Osella on drums, Tomer Eldor on piano, Basile petite on bass and Nick Walter on trumpet.
Show starts at 19:00 sharp! so don’t be late. See you there!
For tickets click here
As part of ‘Ima’ album tour in Germany, come join us at Agora in Darmstadt, Germany
As part of ‘Ima’ album tour in Germany Noga will bring her quintet to the beautiful Villa Leon in Nürnberg, Germany.
As part of ‘Ima’ album tour Noga will bring her music to Karlsruhe for the first time!
Excited to play at the beautiful Temple , tickets and info are available here
Following on from her sold-out 2022 Synagogue Nights show, Noga Ritter comes back to Manchester with a newly released album. With songs sung in both Hebrew and English, Noga weaves intimate and personal stories into a compelling narrative of social-global issues.
Her debut solo album "Ima", released in May this year, features 14 incredible musicians including the award-winning artists Seckou Keita on Kora, Byron Wallen on trumpet, Tony Kofi on saxophone and produced by Liran Donin.
Come listen to Noga's new songs, tracing influences from her upbringing, travels and encounters. Expect an electric and captivating show and get moving to these irresistible sounds!
Noga Ritter - vocals
Giuliano Osella- percussion
Tomer Eldor- piano
First gig in Rio at an intimate beautiful musicians’ hub in Santa Tereza, Rio - Brazil.
Noga Ritter- vocals
Victor Mendez- guitar
Marcelo Conti- bass
Get in touch to book your place and get the address (limited places available)
Noga Ritter will bring her music from her album ‘Ima’ to the intimate Sarau Da Val in SP, Brazil!
She will be join by:
Victor Mendez - guitar
Pedro Macedo - bass
Eduardo Guarinon - drums
Limited space available , booking your tickets in advance is highly recommended
For more details click here
Noga Ritter quartet at the beautiful Madeleine Jazz bar.
Join us for a night of good food, wine and great music.
Noga Ritter - vocals
Victor Mendez- guitar
Pedro Macedo - bass
Ivan Alvis- drums
For more info and to book your place click here
Join us at the legendary studio of Guga Stroeter in São-Paulo for an intimate concert.
Come at 17:00 to enjoy the pool and hangout with us.
Music will start at 18:00 and after the gig we will most likely open it for a jam session as that is always the vibe in this magical place! Surprise guests guarantied :)
The band:
Noga Ritter - vocals
Victor Mendez - guitar
Pedro Mcedo - bass
Ivan Alvis - drums
Get in touch to receive the exact address.
For the first time in Brazil Noga Ritter is playing with her quartet at Ilegalpão as part of her ‘Ima’ album tour.
Noga will play with :
Victor Mendez - guitar
Pedro Macedo - bass
Ivan Alves - drums
Don’t miss it!
In times where fear and war rule and divide us, I think music is more important than ever, to bring people together, connect us to our soul and not lose our sense of humanity. This has always been my mission, to bring people together from all walks of life through music. That's the only thing that gives me hope right now.
I can't wait to bring back my 8-piece mega band to the famous Rough Trade East to celebrate the vinyl release of my album 'IMA' on 8/12 for a special Live and signing event.
This one is going to be special :
Noga Ritter - vocals, Giuliano Osella - drums, Tomer Eldor - piano and BVs, Alessandro Gugel - guitar and BVs, Basile Petite - bass, Maurizio Ravalico- percussion
A surprise guest to be announced soon!
Join us, I'm looking forward to getting together with you all!
If you buy a record you can come into the gig for free, otherwise you can simply buy a ticket to the show. All details are here.
Jewish Music Institute and SOAS Concert Series as part of Tsitsit festival
Supported by SOAS Library
The Big Mix – A celebration of the music of 21st London
Part I - Kadialy Kouyate & Josh Middleton
Celebrated and award-winning Senegalese kora player Kadialy Kouyate and the UK’s most prominent Klezmer Accordionist Josh Middleton (Don Kipper) perform a unique and new collaboration for the JMI – Jewish Music Institute to be premiered at SOAS Concert Series. Celebrated and award-winning Senegalese kora player Kadialy Kouyate and the UK’s most prominent Klezmer Accordionist Josh Middleton (Don Kipper) perform a unique and new collaboration for the JMI – Jewish Music Institute to be premiered at SOAS Concert Series.
This intercultural journey will bring together the Griot traditions of West Africa and the living heritage of Ashkenazi Klezmer to create a new co-territoriality, for a 21st Century London, where Kora meets Klezmer.
Part II - Noga RItter quartet with special guests
Noga Ritter - vocals
Basile Petite- bass
Giuliano Osella- drums
Israeli singer-songwriter, celebrated vocalist and dancer will bring her quartet of musicians from around the world, to deliver her unique fusion of Hebrew Jazz and global grooves. Playing songs from her recent release debut solo album ‘IMA’.
For this unique concert, she will be joined by Kadialy Kouyate & Josh Middleton as special guests for a few songs. Don’t miss this special one-off collaboration! Get your tickets here
Excited to return home to CLF Art Lounge with my quintet, welcoming some new talented musicians to our band!
Noga Ritter- vox, Basile Petite- bass, Luke Wynter- guitar, Lya Reis Guerrero - drums, Nick Walter - trumpet
It’s the only London gig we have this summer, come celebrate with us!
FREE entry but booking is recommended, it always gets sold out! Book your place here
Excited to be part of this great festival. All details can be found here
“IMA” debut album launch of Noga Ritter with an all-star 10-piece band featuring award-winning artists Tony Kofi (sax) and Byron Wallen (trumpet).
Joining Noga Ritter on stage are some of the most talented and respected jazz and world artists, all of whom played a vital role in creating the magical sound of her album. The band includes Tomer Eldor on piano, Liran Donin on bass, Maurizio Ravalico on percussion, Giuliano Osella on drums, Phil Dawson on guitar, special guest- Dembis Thioung on percussion and a trio of world-class horn players: Tony Kofi on tenor sax, Byron Wallen on trumpet, and Patrick Kenny on trombone.
Her album, to be released with Galileo Music in May, brings together 14 musicians from around the world, including award-winning kora player Seckou Keita and producer Liran Donin.
Join us to celebrate this beautiful album at our beloved reopend Forge in Camden.
An AGMP & KAZUM presentation.